
Mis à jour le 09/07/2024

Oceanography encompasses all activities related to understanding and modeling the physical parameters of the water column (temperature, salinity, transparency, etc.) and their evolution. It encompasses the following disciplines:

  • general oceanography
  • sea levels
  • marine biogeochemistry and the optical properties of water
  • sediment dynamics
  • waves and sea states
  • sea ice and icebergs

The work carried out by Shom aims to describe and predict the marine physical environment ever more precisely, that is to say with better resolution and more frequent updates. To achieve this, the Shom uses a variety of data sources: observations acquired at sea and satellite measurements. Ocean modeling relies on complex numerical methods for geophysical flow modeling and data fusion.

National Defense Support

Operational applications concern both support for naval operations (particularly in the context of rapid environmental assessment) and support for public policy.

The SOAP system (Operational Analysis and Forecast System) operated by the Shom for the benefit of the armed forces provides analyses and forecasts of the state of the ocean impacting military operations.

Supporting the blue economy

The Shom contributes to the wave-submersion vigilance system (VVS), a State tool within the framework of the rapid submergence plan and the implementation of the European directive “strategy for the marine environment” with a view to achieving and maintaining good ecological status for sustainable use of the ocean.

A member of the France Energie Marines (FEM) institute created in 2011 to respond to the need for energy transition and dedicated to marine renewable energies (MRE), Shom has been contributing to environmental studies dedicated to MRE since 2015.

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